Thursday, November 4, 2010

New Do, New You!

I've been dying to cut Kay's hair for a while. It is so thin that when it gets long it's just static hair everywhere! So yesterday, we did it! Cute little A-line. The girl who did it couldn't believe how good she was. She sat in the chair with a shy smile on her face and told the ladies how old she was, her teacher's name, all about her brothers and her friends.
It is really short, but she kept walking around yesterday singing, "Pretty hair!" And she told everyone she met as she pointed to her head, "I got a hair cut....this one."


Anonymous said...

So stinking cute. I love little A-line bob's on little girls. As if she couldn't get any cuter, she did!! She has such gorgeous eyes. :) What a cutie.

Brian and Alicia said...

Love the new haircut! that's so awesome she sat there and talked to the lady. Bryten cries...he likes his long hair. :)