Saturday, November 20, 2010

Birthday Bow-A-Rama!

Tyson is nine! He decided to go bowling this year. Boys only...sad, huh.
They were a little excited.
Tys showing off his mad skills. I think bowling prowess skips a generation.

We have such nice boys on our block!
In the end, the boys did well, but got beat by E (our neighbor who came to help) and Kaylee! The girl has super, granny style rolling skills! Not to belittle your bowling accomplishments, E, but she is three, and you have a few decades on her, so props to Miss Kay!
My sweet friend who is much better at cakes (she is a birthday party queen!) helped me with the cupcakes. It took us a few hours and we were up to our elbow in frosting, but they turned out pretty cute. Tyson loved that he got the bowling ball.
Ten boys, ten pins in bowling. So grateful the H family came along to help! Somehow I counted wrong (math was never my strong point) and we ended up short seat belts for the ride down. So glad K and E came to the rescue and took a few kids down. Couldn't ask for better friends and neighbors. So glad Tys had such a wonderful time with his friends and family!

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