Last weekend, among the million other things we had to accomplish over the weekend (i.e. soccer games, baby shower, birthday party, and family pictures), we also went up AF Canyon for a little overnight adventure. It rained almost the whole time. I like camping, really. I just hate the getting ready and the cleaning up. Especially the mountains of laundry that await because every single item you take camping will end up smelling like an ashtray (this from the lady that just put a fire pit in her backyard).
Can you tell? T thinks he's funny! Or gross? I can't tell which?!
We went for a drive and a "picnic" (see the above pic. We just stopped at a turnout and literally tailgated lunch) on the way home and wore K out.
Ty loves the out doors and can't wait to go camping again. He asks all the time when we are going to set up the tent in the backyard.
So since I went on this trip, I don't have to go again for at least another year, right?
Somedays when we do little adventures I just have to keep telling myself, "It's all for the kids". Way to be a daring soul...I would never go camping in the rain if I could help it. :-)
That was crazy yesterday. Emma is milking her toe for all the sympathy she can possibly get, but it is looking a lot better. Thanks again for your help! I didn't get to meet your boys, but the pictures on your blog are sure cute and your little girl is adorable.
was that the only camp trip you went on this summer? I had fun lol even after I had to leave in the middle of the night infear Michael's screaming was going to wake up the hole camp!
It really makes me appreciate the fact that my parents took us camping as much as they did. It's sooooo much work to go camping. I'm so ornery about it while getting ready and cleaning up, but when we are camping it's so much fun. Especially when we go with friends, which we usually do, because the kids play all day long.
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