How do you spell kama kazi? I spell it just plain K. So on Thursday, I am playing with C and B (the neighbor girl we love to have come over!) and K bounces off the couch and into the coffee table. I knew it was bad when I heard it. Remember, head wounds bleed. A lot. I am trying not to panic and think of how I can get K to the ER with C and B when I can't move my hand off her eyebrow and I am one carseat short. Luckily, my sweet and wonderful, brand new neighbor, CJ, came to the rescue, and K stopped bleeding enough to put her in the carseat. Seven stitches later, she is ready to go again! It barely phased her. She is still climbing on everything. This morning, I heard her calling from the boy's room and went in to find her up on top of the bunk beds! So, if you are keeping count: at 5 months, a broken femur; at 9 months, a broken nose; and at 15 months, her first head wound. I can only hope it will be her last.
potato leek soup
6 days ago
Oh my gosh Aimee! She is keeping you on your toes isn't she?
Hey, email me your new address. I'm addressing christmas cards and don't have your current one. Can't believe it is that time again already!
I can't believe all the injuries she has had! That is crazy, especially for a girl! My girl is definately the calmer of my three but don't worry the boys make up for it!
So Sad!! Poor little Kaylee! Heck, poor Mommy! Accidents happen, even over and over again!! I am so glad she is doing ok.
I wish I could say I'm shocked - but I'm really not. It seems that's the only way to be a kid (especially one of yours! tee hee hee) I still love that I know who to call to see if anything is ER worthy. Love ya!
Are you serious? I thought it was supposed to be little boys who spend the most time in the ER. Poor girl. Glad it wasn't worse. I would say think of the stories she'll have to tell, but she won't remember, so think of all the stories you guys will have to tell when she gets older.
Yeah, I think 3 major wounds within just over a year is plenty!! Hopefully things will go a little smoother now.
Get this girl some full body armour for christmas!!! Have a good thanksgiving and don't let Kaylee near the kitchen utinsels!
I agree, I think it is rather funny that we have sort of followed you guys. Though I don't think we have any girl names near Kaylee, we do have a boy name we are thinking of that is a little similar. The funny thing is I thought the other day that if we went with another boy name we are thinking of, it will seem like I am naming them after three guys who were really good friends of mine in high school (they were inseparable) and I always admired them, but I wouldn't say I tried to name my kids after them, but when Brady and I were talking about one possible name, it suddenly occurred to me, that if we went with that name if we have a boy, we will have named all three kids similar to their names (Jason, Cameron and Ryan). We'll see when the time comes though.
Oh shes related to me FOR SURE! :-D
7 stitches, 120 to go.
So I'm noticing that my second child has a lot more injuries than the first. I've been calling it 'second child syndrome' simply because while I'm attending to the first child the second child gets hurt because it just takes a second. I imagine that a third child for me might end up with even more injuries. Your little girl is proof of that fact, plus it sounds like she has quite the daredevil side to her.
Hey Aimee! What cute kids you have! My youngest did that exact thing. She was 18 months old when she smacked into the coffee table. I knew it was bad when I saw Michael holding her over the sink so she wouldn't bleed on the carpet. I couldn't even stand to see her get stitches - it made me queasy! I hope she heals fast!
I'm so glad you have a blog :) I can't believe how big your kids are getting! They are adorable! I found your link on facebook. So how are you?
Poor girl! We got your Christmas card. We to have a blog.
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