After all the suffering (and I mean the long, drawn out, months on end kind of messy, disgusting suffering that can come with potty training a boy), Miss Kay was pretty darn easy. The first week I did the pull up thing. (Insert annoying "You are WRONG!" buzzer sound here). The pull ups gave her a terrible scabby rash on her back. So, I sucked it up and we went cold turkey. She's had a few accidents (I thought for sure she would be a stickler on the whole #2 thing). She's even had episodes of begging for her diapers, but yesterday we spent four hours at the Dinosaur museum and she stayed dry! She got up this morning and happily did her thing! She yells/mumbles, "Mommy I go to potty!" every time she needs to use the facilities. I am in bliss....
Especially since yesterday stunk. I don't know why. Nothing totally terrible happened. I was just crabby and crying all day yesterday. It's nice after a day of wallowing in your own self pity and loathing to wake up and realize, "Hey Dim One! You have a wonderful family, remarkable friends and neighbors, a spectacular husband and brilliant children. You live in a nice neighborhood in a gorgeous house your beloved built just for you! You're Heavenly Father loves you and blesses you!
Suck it up and BE HAPPY!"
I think I will....